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Concert for Chris

December 16, 2018

I have to say the Concert for Chris succeeded beyond all of our expectations. Chris was remembered in a unique way, her family was moved by the outpouring of support they received by the assembled crowd and through everyone’s generosity we were able to give Kathryn’s college fund a boost and Sloan-Kettering a nice donation in memory of Chris ($3400 was collected). Having known her for twenty-one years I know she would have been touched by this event. I was personally very moved by the crowd singing along when I played “Our House” on the piano. I will remember that moment as I will Chris’s friendship: for the rest of my life. Be sure to check out the two videos further on down the page.


To everyone there – family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, fans of the bands and complete strangers…THANK YOU SO MUCH!


And to those who could not be there but were moved to be so generous in making donations…THANK YOU SO MUCH!


This does not happen except for the hard work of a lot of people – I forgot to thank them all at the show. Many people thanked Nancy and I but we both made sure to point out the tremendous amount of work so many people put into making this a success and so memorable:


The IT Crew – sold tix, put up posters and ran the event:












Especially Joe


Glenn for doing the slide show


Our MC Eddie


Bruce for sending that nice letter about his friendship with Chris


Our sound guys




Our videographer Santiago

Gary for taking all the great pictures


My son Joe


Billy for lending us the PA


The staff at Sunset – especially owner Lou


Nancy who worked so hard to make this happen – even singing the way hard Paul McCartney and Jack Bruce parts!


And my fellow rockers…


Shadows of Reality (who donated money from their tee shirt sales)

The Provacateurs

My mates in Change at Jamaica


Shadows of Reality are:

Marcelo Bancalari: Guitar

Nathan Comens: Drums

Joe Kiernan: Vocals

Joe Pisano: Bass


The Provacateurs are:

Brian Barkan: Bass

Dom Lombardozzi: Guitar

Rob Matarazzo: Lead Guitar
Jeff Rosenberg: Vocals/Lead Guitar

Dave Sobell: Drums

Please visit the Provacateurs on FaceBook.


Change at Jamaica is:

Dave Brenner: Vocals/Bass

Greg Maurer: Drums

Gary Dunn: Lead Guitar

Joe Pisano: Vocals/Rhythm Guitar
Michael J. Puccio: Vocals/Rhythm Guitar

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